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      臨夏Stainless steel water pipe joint

      臨夏Stainless steel water pipe joint

      Classification:臨夏OTHER FITTINGS


      key word:

      product details

      Connector is a component used to connect water pipes.

      According to the mode of use, water pipe joints can be divided into: external thread terminated water pipe joints, ferrule water pipe joints and self-fixing water pipe joints.

      The external thread end connection water pipe joint adopts thread connection, with compact structure, no air hole and high strength. The ferrule type water pipe joint can connect the non threaded steel pipe with the hose, eliminating the threading process, and only need to screw in the screw; Compact structure and high strength. The self fixing water pipe joint can connect the non threaded steel pipe or non threaded equipment outlet with the hose, eliminating the threading process; Water pipe joints are widely used in high-end buildings, hotels, hospitals, buildings, gymnasiums, museums, government units, villas and residential communities.

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